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MyRA Glossary
Masterlist Template
List Evidence Required
MyRA Scope
MyRA Benchmark
MyRA Info
MyRA Owner Data
MyRA Internal Auditors
MyRA Secretariat
List of Journals Indexed in Mycite
Registered Publishers with MAPIM

  • MyRA Scope

1. Section B - TBA


2. Section C - TBA


3. Section D - TBA


4. Section E - TBA


5. Section F - TBA


6. Section G - TBA


7. Section H - TBA


  1. What is MyRA? - TBA
  2. Academic Staff - TBA
  3. Principal Investigator (PI) - TBA
  4. PhD and Profesional Qualification - TBA
    5. International and National Award - TBA
    6. Member and Committee in International Professional Bodies - TBA
    7. Member and Committee in National Professional Bodies - TBA

